Saturday, December 22, 2012

Spreading a little Christmas Cheer

Christmas time is usually a super busy time for me. I am a busy bee planning suppers for family, decorating my house to the MAX, making sure all my gifts purchased are just 'so', wrapped nicely, thoughtful, and yes.... even spoiling my own family just a little too much. I knew I wanted to make a difference, to change this mentality just a little. Now, I know there is nothing wrong with wanting everything perfect for my family. I think it shows just how much I really care about them. It is easy on the other-hand to forget how others are not so fortunate; that possibly Christmas time for them is not a season of joy. More a season of stress. Stress over how will I provide that Christmas meal that every family waits for. Stress over how to put presents under the tree. How do you explain to small children that Santa couldn't afford to come to their house? You can't. 

Cue Christmas Cheer.

Today I got to experience first hand the spirit of giving. I have always been a volunteer for various organizations but as life got busy with children, sadly my desire went down. That was until I found out about the amazing Christmas Cheer program in our community and just knew I had to do my part to help out. Hence, joining Kinette club, and now helping out with many other events to raise money to improve our community.

Let's just say I feel very blessed to be a part of making Christmas for 73 homes this year. Finding out just how little some people live on. Reading their stories about what they have been through and just what receiving a hamper and presents will do to improve their Christmas. The heartache that others go through; sharing their private information with us; trusting us that we will not judge- but that we are just there wanting to help. THAT'S CHRISTMAS. 

So after a month of preparation, organizing food drives, toy drives, getting sponsors from businesses and families donating their hard earned money to help out another; today was the day we got to see how all the hard work paid off- for 73 homes. 

I got to see our committee of about 8 women put on a truly amazing event. We round up our own families to help, got up early, and delivered all the food they needed to put on a turkey meal, make soup the next day and so much more. Every family received a large bag of essential toiletry items ranging from toilet paper, toothpaste, deodorant, laundry detergent (basically we tried to think of everything), even garbage tags and approximately $50.00 worth of toys for EACH child in that home. With help from so many, we made it happen.

And next year we will make it happen again. And the year after that. Because that's what we do. And as long as families need the extra help, I want to help. I want my own little family to help. I want my children to grow up helping. I want our community to continue on helping.

And the fact that it happens just so close to Christmas, well for me, that's just a perk.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The cutest little boy in class.

We got Jack's preschool pictures back and for all of you who are not on Facebook, I thought he was just too darn cute to not add here as well.

Now I don't want to brag or anything- but he could quite honestly be the cutest little boy around our neck of the woods.

Sick little kids

I love this time of year. I hate this time of year. I find myself repeating these two lines over and over again. I tried my best to quarantine the boys to escape them from the inevitable illnesses that they are bound to catch. My best efforts- did not work.

For the last week we have been battling fevers, ear infections, chest colds, coughing fits until they puke, weird rashes that have doctor's worried that I've been exposed to them, and asthma attacks.

Just when one ailment leaves, another arrives. Sound like your home?

We have missed school, hockey, immunization appointments, visits with friends- but as long as we get this other with before Christmas I will be one happy Mamma.

Now I must leave to go rub some more Vicks on chests, check some more temperatures, and rest myself as now I am coming down with it :)