Grapefruit with a lb of sugar on it still healthy right????
I'm turning over a new 'leaf' and getting healthy. Or at least trying. We eat fairly good around here but there is definite room for improvement.
We cut out all fast food. Well maybe not ALL because we still get double double coffees when on the road.
We eat salad at every meal and have ever since I can remember. Can I help it if I have a craving for ceaser salad every night?
We don't snack at night. Except for last night. But Kelly was gone... and I only had a handful of hickory sticks which have to better for you than regular chips because they are so small.
I've cut out alcohol unless if it's really hot, or windy, or rainy or there is tornado watches.
We walk at night. The ice cream shop is close enough to get to by foot.
And last but not least, I have taken up eating grapefruit. My grandpa is 89 and going strong and I remember him eating grapefruit all the time. It's got to be the secret to a healthy long life. Now the lb of sugar is the grapefruit's fault. It shouldn't be so sour.
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