Monday, October 1, 2012

Fall is in the air

Fall is in the air. It sure is. And I for one love it!

I love turning the furnace up in the morning and the warm air through the register. I love changing the sheets to flannel and climbing into bed at night. I love oven meals and the smell it leaves your house. I love hot coffee, hot tea, hot chocolate, hot chai tea- anything warm to fill my belly.

But most of all... I love fall decorating.

Yesterday was the day to clean up the yard, mow for hopefully the last time of the year, pull up all my dead flowers and decorate for fall and Halloween.

I didn't go all out this year as I knew I would have to take it all down in one months time. I turned to pinterest to find some new affordable ideas and I love the way it turned out. Jack helped me and had a lot of fun too. Who says decorating is only for girls?

I took a few pictures so I could remember next year, what held up and didn't hold up. We also have more Halloween decorations up and little orange pots with gourds and pumpkins in them sitting on each step.

I can't wait until our exterior is actually finished so there is a nice backdrop. I also can't wait until I no longer am pregnant, or have young babies so I can really go all out; but this will suffice for now :)

I made both of these yesterday. I bought little spiders and glued magnets to them and they just stick to our exterior door. I also made the spider web wreath by buying the cheapest frame I could find and spun a web with orange ribbon. Both projects cost less than $10.00!

Our pumpkin witch. I used an old wreath bought a $5.00 pumpkin and a $1.00 witch hat and stuck in an old pot.

With sharpie marker I just wrote "Welcome Friends" on the pumpkins and threw them in matching ceramic pots. 

I wasn't quite ready to pull up my palm trees yet so I decided to keep them and let Jack put small pumpkins and gourds in them both. He had so much fun with this project and would get so mad at Charlie for using the pumpkins as balls :)

We have a bat flying above our bushes, and Jack looks out at least every 10 minutes to see if it's still stuck. I promise, it's all he's talking about!

I'm also not ready to get rid of my Mother-In-Law's Tongue so we decided to keep it.

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