Tuesday, June 30, 2015

I wish you more ...

Molly .....

Will you walk into a room with your head held high and demand respect? Because you are worthy of that.

Will you march to the beat of your own drum, ignoring the naysayers, and follow your true spirit? Because your spirit shines.

Will you respect yourself and your body enough to not bow down to the captain of the football team? Because he is not better than you.

Will you believe that you really can do anything, become anyone? Because you can.

Will you know your worth? There is no one like you.

Will you know how much you are loved? Because you are.

Your two year old spirit, has me screaming with pride "YES"!
My 30 year old mind, knowing what it is like to be a girl; has me praying "I hope so...".

Please always remember your spunk. Please realize that being a little bossy doesn't mean that is a bad thing. And that holding your own to your brothers; makes me smile inside. That you can be strong and kind.

Continue standing up for yourself. Continue marching into a room, one foot in front of the other; with the utmost confidence in yourself. Continue being curious; curiosity is the spark behind every great idea. Continue dancing.

And please know- that you can do this all in your little tutu dress.

Love Mom

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