Wednesday, September 5, 2012

and then there were 5

My Stick Family from

So we are expecting another little one! This first trimester has not gone by fast enough. I have felt horrible. I sure appreciated my pregnancies with Jack and Charlie after this time around. Before going on the max dosage of medication, I lived on ginger ale and soda crackers and my bed. I literally had a hard time getting out of bed. It felt like a bad stomach flu that just never went away. I actually thought I had the stomach flu a few times because how can one little baby cause that must havoc in my body? So there I laid, with ginger ale and soda crackers, and crumbs in my bed with my thermometer constantly checking because I had to have had a fever! This had to be the flu. 
It wasn't. It was just this little baby causing havoc in my body. I think God wanting to ease my mind about miscarrying a little so he knew if he made me really sick, than that's all I would think about. And it worked.
We've had 2 ultrasounds so far and everything looks just like it should! The doctor even heard the baby's heartbeat with the Doppler at 9 1/2 weeks- which I was shocked at. So far, we've got a strong little heartbeat. Music to a mother's ear! Jack is beyond excited that mommy has a baby in her tummy. He's such a caring little boy. He comes up and kisses and hugs my tummy all the time and sings to it. He is equally excited to get to share a room with Charlie and that the new baby gets Charlie's room. I wonder if Charlie is equally excited? I highly doubt it. He will be tougher to adjust. But he will. And so will we. I've dreamt of having a larger family and my dreams are continuously coming true. God is good.

So now you know why I haven't been writing so much. My mind has been occupied with the new little baby and just trying to take care of my family, all while feeling like death was knocking on my door. These last few days I've felt a lot better though and I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I've announced on facebook and pressing that 'post' button was really hard for me to do. My doctor encouraged me to share our good news though. I cannot live in the past and constant fear that things are not going to go well. This is a new baby, new pregnancy and we'll just have to wait and see how our life progresses.

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