Friday, September 21, 2012


Overwhelmed is the feeling of the day. It started with Jack biting Charlie's finger in the tub last night which immediately got him sent to bed early. He must have been out of sorts because he woke up every hour screaming for no reason- keeping myself and Kelly awake. Did I mention I need my sleep?

Charlie is teething again. He has popped 1 tooth and 1 molar over the last week and another molar is ready to come, causing him to be a little out of sorts as well (in all honesty, he does AMAZINGLY well so I don't really have to complain about him).

I am just tired. This pregnancy is kicking me in the arse. This busy season of Kelly's is kicking me while I'm down; and is it okay to just say "I need a break"?

I mean a real break. Not just grocery shopping by myself kind of break. Like a full day, get a massage, do some shopping, go out to eat, kind of break. I need to replenish, ME.

I love my children dearly. I do. I love having them close together too. But mommy just needs a time-out.


  1. Take one! Kelly should be slowing down soon, right? Take a day to pamper yourself. :)

  2. Yes, that's the plan! He has about another 6 weeks of supreme busyness but come h*&%$ or high water we are leaving for Vegas November 15th! But I'm going to have to sneak in a little me time before then!

  3. I have those days and because of where we live and Kelly's call schedule I just don't get the full day me time. It's a lot easier now though because both the boys want their daddy so Kelly will take them outside for the day and I can lay around inside and do at home pampering.
    Yay to Vegas!
