Tuesday, June 19, 2012

THAT hour....

I can write about this now, because after a good nights sleep; it's actually quite funny. If you are a parent you already know what hour I'm talking about. If you not a parent, you soon will. THAT hour is the hour before.... supper time! Last night was a little more exaggerated than other nights but still it's usually the same. I was making meatballs, messy messy meatballs. I was on the phone with Kelly- because by this time of the day I am just CRAVING some adult conversation. We never talk of anything of value, I just need to talk. Charlie starts crying. Wash my hands. Soothe him a bit. Go back to making meatballs; all while still on the phone. Then Charlie starts crying again. Wash my hands. Soothe him a bit. Go back to making meatballs, all while still on the phone. When he starts crying AGAIN; I just didn't want to wash my hands, soothe him a bit.... you get the point. So I let him whimper. I'm just going to have to make meatballs faster. Then Jack starts to cry you know because Charlie is crying (logically- there has to be reason right?). When Jack couldn't figure out the reason then he made one up. The imprints from his pillow on his arm looked like a good enough one. That's GOT TO BE an owwiee, right? So Jack is crying at my one leg, Charlie at my other, my hands are full of raw meat, all while still on the phone with Kelly. We can't hear each other but I can't hang up because my hands are all dirty and I am NOT washing my hands again until I'm done. So we stay on. Both probably wanting to escape. Finally I am finished. I can kiss Jack's "owwiee" better and that's pretty good for him. Charlie I put in the highchair and give him a pickle. And Kelly I can hang up the phone. Everyone is happy for a little bit. And maybe I can survive this HOUR once again. Until tomorrow when it will be the same. Ahhh...... the hour before supper. We meet again. Is it wine o'clock yet?

Do you think it's socially acceptable to do this before supper?


  1. That is the worst hour ever. Totally know what you are talking about. They are hungry but you don't want to give them anything because it is way too close to supper and if you give them something they won't eat the supper that you are so desperately trying to get made while all the kids are hanging off you, because then your work would be all in vain.

    1. I guess I didn't do this right. Unknown is Christa Yaskow. I am not some unknown stalker, just so you aren't freaked right out.
